Leslie Kuny Leslie Kuny


My time as a student of Ms. Leslie’s holds some of my favourite memories as a dancer. She came to the studio at an unfortunate time for a few students as our former teacher had left with no notice and no explanation. I was upset and confused which left me very skeptical of any new teacher coming in at that moment. I was probably one of the most frustrating students to teach as I wasn’t willing to change or try anything new. Nor was I open to her way of teaching, which I later realized was truly amazing, and I regret it to this day. I slowly started to become aware that no one was to blame and I needed to stop taking this out on her because I was upset with the situation. She was always so happy, so positive and truly cared about our improvement as dancers and as human beings. She always played the best music, which made a huge difference for me to truly enjoy the moment even further and connect to every move even just for a technique and combo class. The jazz trio she choreographed was one of my favourites I had ever danced and during that time is when I realized I had regretted how I acted. Watching how she choreographed was truly remarkable. Sometimes she would have nothing planned but we would add on so much in one class because it just flowed for her. We were always working hard but never forgot to have a good laugh and let loose.

I started to really care about listening to my corrections and applying myself to grow and improve because I wanted to impress her. I wanted her to know I did really appreciate all the amazing advice we were given. I looked up to her so much and I wish I had realized that from the very beginning. Ms. Leslie was one of the most fun and amazing teachers I ever had and I’m so grateful to have been her student.

-Kelsey S, dance student

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Leslie Kuny Leslie Kuny


I always had so much fun in your class. You always had a bubbly energy that was so contagious. I could tell you wanted everyone to succeed and would push everyone to be the best they can be. You make everyone feel special and apart of a family. My first year with you was my first year of lyrical and you made me love that style so much. You taught me about the artistry of that style and dance in general. You also taught me how to use emotions as I danced. I grew a lot in just a couple years of dancing with you because you always pushed me to do more than I thought I could do. All together you really made me find my love for dance and inspired me to continue my dancing at a more intense and competitive level.

-Mikayla V, dance student

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Leslie Kuny Leslie Kuny


I’ve had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Miss Leslie for nearly ten years. What makes Leslie such an amazing teacher and role model is that, before I ever worked with her I was able to establish an amazing bond with her and fully trust her. Leslie’s dancer are amazing because we all know from the first day we work with her that she was going to do her absolute best for us and put her all in. Subsequently we’re able to put all our faith in her, and that creates a learning environment where we’re all able to thrive. Leslie challenged me and made me believe I could always do better, and Leslie continues to push me and believe in me and I’m the luckiest dancer in the world to have such a phenomenal teacher by my side through everything. Above all, Leslie has shown me exactly what kind of teacher I want to become some day, and I can only hope I can have the commitment to my students in the future as she does to hers. I love Miss Leslie so dearly and I love witnessing her becoming a better teacher every day.

-Sydney P, dance student

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Leslie Kuny Leslie Kuny


You were the first dance teacher I had when I finally got back to dance after years of not being able to. I didn’t know what to expect heading back, but the second I walked into the studio I felt your caring and positive energy – that feeling stuck with me week to week. You reminded me why I loved to dance, and helped me find my passion again. My body remembered the steps without me, but you helped my heart find its place in the studio again. You taught me that I was a leader in the room. That even when I felt like a bad dancer and not capable, that there were people in the room waiting to see what I was doing. You challenged me and I could not be more grateful. You forced me to grow, not only as a dancer but as a woman too. I needed that more than I could ever explain. The most important thing that I learned from you was passion. You carry your love for dance on your sleeve and you give a little piece of that to every dancer you meet. Being a part of the dance family that year helped me see that fear is fuel for growth and a natural component of passion. I cannot thank you enough for the time we spent together dancing. I loved every minute. I know you are spreading that love to the new dancers and the returning dancers in your life. Thank you again for all you taught me.

With love,

-Jennifer P, dance student

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